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it
thought
itself
human,
on
the
thin
crust
of
a
spinning
globe
of
molten
rock.
The
ball
of
molten
rock
circled
a
ball
of
blazing
gas
that
was
three
hundred
and
thirty
thousand
times
more
massive
than
it.
They
were
so
far
apart
that
light
took
eight
minutes
to
cross
the
gap.
The
light
was
information
from
a
star,
and
it
could
burn
your
skin
from
a
hundred
and
fifty
million
kilometres
away.
有时它认为自己是那不断旋转的球体上一层薄薄的熔化的岩石上的人类。那融化的岩石球环绕着一个质量大它三十三万倍的炫目气体球旋转。它们是相隔得如此之远,以至于光需要八分钟才能穿越那空隙。那光是来自一颗恒星的信息,它能够在一亿五千万公里外烧灼你的皮肤。
Sometimes
the
player
dreamed
it
was
a
miner,
on
the
surface
of
a
world
that
was
flat,
and
infinite.
The
sun
was
a
square
of
white.
The
days
were
short;
there
was
much
to
do;
and
death
was
a
temporary
inconvenience.
有时这个玩家梦见它是一个在一个平的,无限延展的世界表面上的矿工。那太阳是一个方形的白点。昼夜交替很快;要做的事情也很多;死亡亦只是暂时和不方便的。
Sometimes
the
player
dreamed
it
was
lost
in
a
story.
有时这玩家梦见它迷失在了一个故事里。
随着字幕闪动星辰仿佛看到了第一次打败末影龙时的场景
第一次玩mc第一次联机第一次玩模组第一次接触电脑
甚至是从出生开始学说话
他感觉自己整个人都升华了难道是因为鸡汤喝多了吗毕竟这玩意儿的确算是半个鸡汤吧
他本来想跳过得但是想起了之前那个该死的谜语人说的话
于是他也是耐着性子看了下去
汉化模组可以让他直接看到中文但是他也依然可以看原版的
就像是直接套了一层翻译而不是直接替换字幕
感觉还是挺奇妙的
它既可以看到折在上面的中文也可以看到被遮挡住的英文
并同时理解他们的意思
字母依然在滚动
The
seven
billion
billion
billion
atoms
of
the
player's
body
were
created,
long
before
this
game,
in
the
heart
of
a
star.
So
the
player,
too,
is
information
from
a
star.
And
the
player
moves
through
a
story,
which
is
a
forest
of
information
planted
by
a
man
called
Julian,
on
a
flat,
infinite
world
created
by
a
man
called
Markus,
that
exists
inside
a
small,
private
world
created
by
the
player,
who
inhabits
a
universe
created
by...
那由七千亿亿亿原子组成的玩家的身体被创造了,远在这游戏之前,在一颗恒星的内部。所以那玩家也是,来自一颗恒星的信息。而这个玩家贯穿这个故事的始末,源于一个叫Julian的人种下的信息种子长成的森林,一个叫Markus的男人创造的无限世界,存在于一个由玩家创造的小的,私人世界里,而那又继承了宇宙创造的……
Shush.
Sometimes
the
player
created
a
small,
private
world
that
was
soft
and
warm
and
simple.
Sometimes
hard,
and
cold,
and
plicated.
Sometimes
it
built
a
model
of
the
universe
in
its
head;
flecks
of
energy,
moving
through
vast
empty
spaces.
Sometimes
it
called
those
flecks
"electrons"
and
"protons".
嘘。有时这个玩家创造的小天地是柔软,温暖和简单的。有时是坚硬,冰冷和复杂的。有时它在脑中建造出宇宙的模型;斑斑点点的能量穿越广阔空旷的空间。有时它称呼这些斑点为“电子”和“质子”
Sometimes
it
called
them
"plas"
and
"stars".
有时它称呼它们为“行星”和“恒星”。
Sometimes
it
believed
it
was
in
a
universe
that
was
made
of
energy
that
was
made
of
offs
and
ons;
zeros
and
ones;
lines
of
code.
Sometimes
it
believed
it
was
playing
a
game.
Sometimes
it
believed
it
was
reading
words
on
a
screen.
有时它确信它存在于一个由“开”和“关”;“0”和“1”;一行行的命令组成的宇宙。有时它确信它是在玩一个游戏。有时它确信它是在读着屏幕上的文字。
You
are
the
player,
reading
words...
你就是那玩家,阅读着文字……
突然他感觉到像是为什么目光注视了一样他慢慢的看向了那一行字
看到了一个模糊的身影
无论如何都有什么权限或者是能力都没有办法看穿对方
实体显示那里什么都没有
但他的确是看到了!
[你注意到我了对吧]
Shush...
Sometimes
the
player
read
lines
of
code
on
a
screen.
Decoded
them
into
words;
decoded
words
into
meaning;
decoded
meaning
into
feelings,
emotions,
theories,
ideas,
and
the
player
started
to
breathe
faster
and
deeper
and
realised
it
was
alive,
it
was
alive,
those
thousand
deaths
had
not
been
real,
the
player
was
alive
嘘……有时这玩家读屏幕上的命令行。将它们解码成为文字;将文字解码为意义;将意义解码为感情,情绪,理论,想法,而玩家的呼吸开始急促并意识到了它是活着的,它是活生生的,那上千次的死亡不是真的,玩家是活着的。
他仿佛看到了无数个宇宙多元宇宙中的许多人在做的事情
回想起来的话终末之诗这玩意儿好像的确是史蒂夫叠的叠战力好帮手
这么说来的话那个人的目的就是这些吗
他不是特别能理解,为什么要帮助自己呢,突然他的脑子里涌现出了一个很特别的想法
自己会不会也是虚拟的呢
那这些做的有什么意义呢
他总是认为自己是真实世界的人物意外来到了虚拟的宇宙
和虚拟宇宙的多元人物是不一样的自己是真实存在的
可是,又怎么证明呢
他突然变得有些迷茫起来
[You.
You.
You
are
alive.]
[你。你。你是活着的。]
另一个声音:[and
sometimes
the
player
believed
the
universe
had
spoken
to
it
through
the
sunlight
that
came
through
the
shuffling
leaves
of
the
summer
trees]
[而有时这玩家相信宇宙通过穿越夏日树叶的那斑斓的阳光对它说话。]
他坚定了自己
虚拟的又怎么样,老子tm的可是mc玩家!!!!!
and
sometimes
the
player
believed
the
universe
had
spoken
to
it
through
the
zeros
and
ones,
through
the
electricity
of
the
world,
through
the
scrolling
words
on
a
screen
at
the
end
of
a
dream
而有时玩家相信宇宙透过零和一,透过世界的电力,透过屏幕上滚动的文字和梦的终结对它说话
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